It can be difficult to spot a mantis because it is skilled in the art of masquerade ,mimicking the exact shape of a leaf or hue of a petal. The mantis camouflages itself both to hide from predators, such as birds and lizards, and to catch insects that unwittingly land on it thinking it is a flower or a leaf.
There are 1800 types of mantis, mainly living in tropical climates. There disguises are quite diverse-differing in colour , shape and texture-but all are impressively detailed. For example, the orchid mantis has flanges along its legs and body that take on the exact color and texture of an orchid flower. The mantis sits among the blooms, waiting for its insect pray to approach. To complete its disguise the mantis may even rock gently from side to side, imitating the way a petal might flutter in a slight breeze. Once an insect approaches, the 'flower' bursts in to life and the mantis snatches the creature with its hook lined forelegs.
NOTE:the species of mantis shown above is Choeradodis rhombicollis.
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